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学会等発表・講演 Conference presentation and Lecture


・Awaya T, Social, Ethical and Legal Problems Associated with the Sale of Human   Organs, 858th Conference of the Rockefeller Foundation at the Bellagio Study and Conference Center (Bellagio, Italy) Sep. 1995
・Awaya T, Prohibition of Organ Sales and Commodification of the Human Body , 5th Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation, Manila, Philippines, Dec. 1997
・Awaya T, Organ Transplantation and the Human Revolution, 17th World Congress of the Transplantation Society , Montreal, Canada, Jul. 1998
・Awaya T, The Human Body as a New Commodity, 4th Congress for Bioethics, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 1998
・Awaya T, Human Body Parts: A New Commodity for the 2000s, International Conference on Environment and Bioethics at Loyola Institute of Frontier Energy, Madras, India, Jan. 1999
・Awaya T, Human Body Parts and the Human Revolution, 16th International Ethological Conference, Banglore, India, Aug. 1999
・Awaya T, Right to Control One's Own Life and Body, 5th International Tsukuba Bioethics Roundtable, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 1999
・Awaya T, Commodification of the Human Body and the Moral Cost, 8th International Congress on Ethics in Medicine, Be'er Sheva, Israel, Nov. 6-8 (7) , 2000
・Awaya T, Human Remodeling Due to Technologies and the Limitations, 1st International Conference of Croatian Bioethics Society, Mali Losinj, Croatia, Sep. 2001
・Awaya T, Human Remodeling Due to Technologies and the Limitations, 7th International Tsukuba Bioethics Roundtable, Tsukuba, Japan, Feb. 2002
・Awaya T, Human Remodeling Due to Technologies and the Limitations, 7th International Tsukuba Bioethics Roundtable, Tsukuba, Japan, Feb. 2002
・Awaya T, Gene-enhanced Animals and High Efficiency Humanoid Robots: Changing the Notion of "Human" and "Us", 5th Asian Conference of Bioethics, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2002
・Awaya T, Our Difficult Future: How Should Upgraded Humans Treat High Efficiency Humanoid Robots and Gene enhanced Animals?, 8th International Tsukuba Bioethics Roundtable, Tsukuba, Japan, Feb. 2003
・Awaya T, Cases of Gene Analysis Without Consent in Japan and Legislation to Protect Personal Gene Information, A Japanese and American Dialogue on the Ethical and Social Issues Facing Researchers, Community Groups and Ethics Committees, Tokyo, Japan, May 2003
・Awaya T, Informed Consent of the Third Type, 2nd International Conference of Croatian Bioethics Society, Mali Losinj, Croatia, Jun. 2003
・Awaya T, Informed Consent of a Donor and the Ownership of Separated Human Body Parts, International Congress 2003 for European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics, Lisbon, Portugal, Sep. 2003
・Awaya T, Why Do Organ Sales and Organ Transplantation from Executed Prisoners Take Place in Asia?, International Congress: Ethical Issues in Brain Death and Organ Transplantation, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 2003
・粟屋剛「再生医療の法律問題 ―中絶胎児利用は違法か―」第3回日本再生医療学会(東京、2004年3月)
・Awaya T, Is Face Transplant Morally Acceptable?, 1st Conference of International Society for Clinical Bioethics, Rijeka, Croatia, Jun. 2004
・Awaya T, Is It Ethically Acceptable for a Physician to Recommend Surgery When his/her Motivation Is To Practice Using Cancer Patients?, 2nd International Conference of International Society for Clinical Bioethics, Taichung, Taiwan, May 2005
・Awaya T, Transplantation of Organs from Executed Prisoners in China and Bioethics: What Does the New Legislation in China Which Adopts Brain Death Criterion Means?, International Joint Bioethics Congress ("Inter-Cultural Bioethics:Asia And The West") by the Asian Bioethics Association, Sanliurfa, Turkey, Nov. 2005
・Awaya T, Do human embryonic stem cells have dignity?, 2nd Franco-Japanese Bioethics Workshop: Approaching Bioethical Issues in Their Cultural Context, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2005
・Awaya T, Transplantation of Organs from Executed Prisoners in China and Bioethics: What Does the New Legislation in China Which Adopts Brain Death Criterion Mean?, 3rd International Conference of International Society for Clinical Bioethics, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar.26, 2006
・Awaya T, "The Human Body as a Commodity?", Human Cells and Tissues for Transplantation, An International Symposium on Ethical and Policy Issues [Co-sponsorship of the University of Zurich and WHO], Zurich, Switzerland, Jul.17, 2006 
・Awaya T, Future of Human Dignity, 8th World Congress of Bioethics (International Association of Bioethics), [Japan-China Forum: Is Human Dignity or Human Right Principle Sustainable for a Future Asian Society?] Beijing, China, Aug. 8, 2006
・Awaya T, Bioethics and Law in Japan: Why Is the Transplant So Stagnant in Japan?, China, Korea and Japan Joint Symposium: In Search of New Cooperation and Sub-Regional Identities [Kyushu University Asia Center Symposium] Fukuoka, Japan, Feb. 2, 2007
・Awaya T, Organ Transplantation and Bioethics: Should Transplantation of Diseased Kidneys Be Permitted?, China, Korea and Japan Joint Symposium: In Search ofNew Cooperation and Sub-Regional Identities [Kyushu University Asia Center Symposium] Fukuoka, Japan, Feb. 2, 2007
・Awaya T, Is It Morally Acceptable to Use a Cancerous Kidney for Transplantation?, 8th Asian Conference of Bioethics, Bangkok, Thailand, Mar.19, 2007
・Awaya T, International Symposium on 'Organ Trade', Why Now?, International Symposium: The Ethical, Legal and Social Challenge of the Organ Trade In Asia: Current Trends, Future Prospects [Kyushu University Understanding Asia Seminar], Fukuoka, Japan, May 27, 2007
・Awaya T, Organ Trade in Asia, Bioethics Seminar of the Center of Biomedical Ethics and Culture, Sindh Institute of Urology & Transplantation, Karati, Pakistan, Aug. 22, 2007
・Awaya T, The Missing Face of the Discussion on Human Dignity: Approaching the Real World, 4th International Conference of International Society for Clinical Bioethics, Aix-en-Provence, France, Sep. 15, 2007
・Awaya T, Cases of Sick Kidney Transplantation in Japan and Patients' Self-determination, UNESCO-Kumamoto University Bioethics Roundtable: Perspectives on Self-determination, Kumamoto, Japan, Dec. 16, 2007
・Is the Human Body a Commodity?, UNESCO Workshop at the University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines, April 25, 2008
・The Commodification of Human Body and its ELSI, International Symposium of Medical Law against Post-Genome Age: In Commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Comparative Law Institute at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, Jun. 28, 2008
・Awaya T, Are Organs Commodities?, Symposium:Diversity and Universality of Medicine, Culture and Religion on Facing Death and Dying: Interdisciplinary Research in Eastern Asia, Osaka, Japan, Jun. 29, 2008
・Awaya T, Sick Kidney Transplantation and a True Ethics, 9th World Congress of Bioethics: The Challenge of Cross-Cultural Bioethics in the 21st Century, Rijeka, Croatia, Sep. 5, 2008
・Awaya T, Does Inequality of Ability Justify Techno-enhancement?, 9th Asian Bioethics Conference of the Asian Bioethics Association "Bioethics in Asia: Healthy and Productive Life in Harmony with Nature", Jogjakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 3, 2008
・Awaya T, Engineered Humans: Nanotechnologies as a Means of Recreating Human Beings, IVth Japanese-French Symposium on Bioethics and Ethics of Science, Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka, Japan, Apr. 17-19, 2009
・Awaya T, Harvesting the Dead: Commodification of the Human Dead Body, First Iranian International Forensic Medicine Congress, Tehran, Iran, May 25-27, 2009
・Awaya T, Organ Donation Without Self-determination: Opting-out in Japan, 6th International Conference on Clinical Ethics Consultation, Portland, USA, May 11-14 (12), 2010
・Awaya T, Should Commodification of the Human Body be Prohibited by Law?, 2010 French-Chinese Law and Bioethics Conference, Shanghai, China, Nov. 12, 2010
・Awaya T, Robo-law: Human Rights of Robots?, 5th French-Japanese Conference on Bioethics (International Conference on Ethics, Law and Science) "Robotics and Medicine", Toulouse University, Toulouse, France, Mar. 24-26(26), 2011
・Awaya T, Do We Humankind Need Androids?, 8th Conference of International Society for Clinical Bioethics "Advanced Technologies and Bioethics", Moscow University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia, Sep. 7-8 (7), 2011 
・Awaya T, How Should Robots Treat Humans?:Future Relationship Between Humans and Humanoid Robots, GCOE Italy-TWIns-Waseda 2011 Symposium "New Critical Challenges in Robotics", Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 10-11(11), 2011)  
・粟屋剛「自己決定とリビング・ウイル ―移植医療と終末期医療を素材として― 」第6回岐阜リビング・ウイルのあり方を考える会(じゅうろくプラザ、岐阜、2011年11月19日) 
・Awaya T, Bioethics as a power for improving human life, 9th Conference of International Society for Clinical Bioethics "Global and Deep Bioethics" and "From New Medical Ethics to the Integrative Bioethics", University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, Sep. 23-25(24), 2012
・Awaya T, What is‘Civilizational Bioethics’?, 10th Conference of International Society for Clinical Bioethics “Reconstructing Bioethics”, Kushiro Tourism and International Relations Center, Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan, 30-31 (30), Aug. 2013
・Awaya T, Global and Regional Perspectives of Bioethics: Proposal for a 'Bioethics Community Without National Borders', 11th International Scientific Conference of International Society for Clinical Bioethics "Bioethics and Medical Ethics: Dialogues of the 21st century", Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, 10-11 (10) , Oct. 2014
・Awaya T, Macro-bioethics: a "Bioethics Community Without National Borders", 15th Asian Bioethics Conference of the Asian Bioethics Association, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Oita, Japan, 1 (2)-9, Nov. 2014
・粟屋剛「アジア渡航移植患者の人権」第121回日本法政学会シンポジウム「岡山発わが国の政策課題への処方箋 医療政策と法―医療を取り巻く諸政策を中心として」(岡山大学、2014年11月15-16日(15日))
・Awaya T, Singularity and bioethics, 12th International Scientific Conference of the International Society for Clinical Bioethics "Bioethics in the Future: Technicization of the Man or Humanization of the Science?", Bol, Croatia, Sep. 21-22(22), 2015
・Awaya T, Why Humanoid? Robots to Fulfill Human Desires, 16th Asian Bioethics Conference (De La salle University, Manila, Philippines, Nov. 3-5(5), 2015
・粟屋剛「粒子線治療の説明義務―医師ないし医療機関は患者に粒子線治療のオプションがあることを告げるべきか―」第3回釧路国際生命倫理サマースクール&ラウンドテーブル(The 3rd Kushiro International Summer School and Roundtable in Bioethics)シンポジウム「先端医療における医師の裁量と説明義務」(釧路市観光国際交流センター、釧路市、2016年8月13-17日(15日))


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